Friday, March 14, 2008

New Study -- Aspirin Reduces Asthma Risk Among Older Women

From the Washington Post:

Taking a small dose of aspirin every other day seems to reduce the risk of developing asthma among older women.

The study, appearing in the online issue of Thorax, essentially mirrors a similar study in which men taking aspirin saw the same
reduced risk.

Interesting, right? But check THIS out...

The incidence of asthma is on the increase, possibly due to obesity, dietary factors, exposure to antigens and environmental factors. But the trend also coincides with a decreased use of aspirin as people have switched to other over-the-counter pain relievers, or have avoided aspirin use in children due to concerns about Reyes syndrome.

That led some researchers to wonder whether the reduction in aspirin use was contributing to the rise of asthma.

Discuss amongst yourselves...

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