Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Diary of a Paranoid Asthma Mom

Ugh. In my constantly paranoid state, I was convinced that #2 son was breathing too shallowly. He'd had mild cold symptoms for a few days with a slight cough. And I thought his breathing was little shallow and a little fast.

I watched him for a few days, and worried a lot.

Then, Monday, I couldn't bear it anymore. I called the doctor at lunch and scheduled an appointment.

And of course, he's fine. He's not wheezing. I'm crazy.

Does anyone else do this? Do we all make ourselves nuts with worry?

Bear in mind, this time last year, this little boy was coughing til he vomited a few times a week. The doctors said it was reflux, but I'm still not convinced. Especially when he was diagnosed with bronchiolitis the same season.

So I may be crazy, but at least I have a reason to be. (Does that even make sense??)

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